$ 0

Full-featured experience

2 Classrooms per teacher
Up to 3 Private Decks
Create up to 100 Public Decks
Up to 40 Students per Classroom
7-day Classroom data retention
Assign up to 2 Decks per Classroom at a time


$ 8 / month

US$ 96 billed annually

10 Classrooms per teacher
100 Private Decks
Create up to 200 Public Decks
Up to 60 Students per Classroom
30-day Classroom data retention
Assign up to 10 Decks per Classroom at a time
Upload voice clips to Study Sets and Slide Activities
Exclusive access to new features and apps

Features for ALL plans!

Create highly interactive decks with Locks, Treasure Keys, Drag n Drop elements, crossword puzzles, jigsaws and mazes!
Make interactive videos and enjoy seamless integration with interactive slides
Immersive Reader and Text-to-Speech capabilities, and upload audio clips to Slides
Get awesome student responses with Draw, Text, Quick Poll, Photo, Buzzer and Randomizer apps
Easily switch between Teacher Sync mode for teacher-paced classrooms and Free mode for student-paced lesson exploration
Real-time tracking of student progress and ability to validate answers automatically
Access to thousands of ready-made decks

Deck.Toys Bundle Plan

Bulk purchase of Pro plan subscriptions

Centralized account management
Minimum bundle of 10 teacher subscriptions
Discount rates from 20% to 60% for large bundles
Purchase Order and Credit Card payment accepted

Is the Free plan really free?

Yes! The Deck.Toys Free plan has all the features for you to engage your students.

Are there ready-made Decks for use with my students?

Of course! The Deck Gallery has ready-made lessons ranging from Language Arts, Maths, Science and many other subjects in many languages. You may also make a copy of the lessons to make your own modifications.

There is also a Learning Paths Wizard for you to automagically create complete lessons within minutes.

What is the main difference between Free and Pro?

The Pro plan allows you to create 10 concurrent Classrooms and up to 100 private Decks. The complete comparison is shown above.

What payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept credit cards (Visa, Mastercard and American Express). For the Deck.Toys Bundle Plan, we also accept Purchase Orders.

How do students connect to my classroom?

Share the unique Deck.Toys Classroom web address with your students directly during the lesson or via your LMS. Then, students may join your classroom instantly with their Google or Microsoft accounts.

Not using Google or Microsoft accounts? Students may still join your classroom as a guest or with a new username & password.

Am I able to track my students' progress?

Yes! You may also generate a report for your whole classroom. Students data are stored for at least 7 days on the Free plan and 30 days on the Pro plan.

Have any further questions?

Contact us here. We are also available on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube.

Thousands of teachers are engaging students with Deck.Toys now!